alaraes:chapter_1:steelborn [Homebrew Wiki]

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Built centuries ago, either during the Collapse or shortly before, steelborn are androids who wander the realm. Their exoskeleton is composed of loose interlocking “living” metal plates that regenerate when damaged, and are powered by an unknown source.

Poorly Understood

Little is understood about their manufacture or operation. What is understood is how their memory mechanism seems to function. A steelborns memories are stored on a rune covered brass ball that resides within a secured housing in their chest, these runes are indecipherable, the script unique to each steelborn. Their memories and are overwritten as space becomes scarce through the course of time. This would explain why Steelborn often have no memory of events predating more than a century or two.

A Forgotten Purpose

Steelborn society, such as it is, is structured around some combination of ancient military ranks given to them at their production and their individual age. Units of the same rank generally find a “first amongst equals” based on who is the eldest, with their input to any given problem being given the most weight. This inbuilt mechanic is how they establish a hierarchy amongst themselves. A Steelborns life is dedicated to searching for something on behalf of Nomad, an unknown entity that they collectively refer to as “mother”. Who she is is unclear, and what she wants them to find has been long forgotten, but steelborn life the nomadic lifestyle, taking whatever job that lets them travel the world and seek what they need to find.


Other races have difficulty telling steelborn apart, and so many are prone to painting themselves in patterns or dressing garishly to aid others in differentiating themselves from other steelborn.

Steelborn Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and you gain 1 in any other ability of your choice.
Age. Steelborn are produced at maturity, and the upper operational age has not been reached yet. There are rumors of Steelborn that are over 1000 years old.
Alignment. Younger and inexperienced steelborn are more neutral on the spectrum, with older ones varying more widely based on their own personal life experience.
Size. A stock model steelborn is 6 feet tall and a slate gray color. Specialized models can range from 5 to 7 feet. Regardless of specialization, your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Constructed Nature. As a construct, you have the following traits:

  • You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe
  • You cannot be poisoned
  • You are immune to diseases

Low Power. You do not need to sleep, but you must enter a low power mode and process they day’s events for at least 4 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest. While in low power you are semi-conscious, only vaguely aware of your surroundings. You do not dream while in this state, and are difficult to rouse.
Specialized. You were purpose built to accomplish a task. Choose one trait from the list below.

  • Reconnaissance. You are able to twist and contort your body into spaces you would not normally fit into. You may squeeze into spaces without incurring disadvantage on attack rolls and dexterity saving throws, and do not grant advantage to creatures attacking you while squeezing. In addition, you gain proficiency in Wisdom (Perception) checks.
  • Footman. When in melee combat with an opponent, as long as you have advantage against your target, you may push aside their shield as you attack, reducing their shield bonus to as by 2. This is a bonus action. In addition, you gain proficiency in Strength (Athletics) checks. In addition, you are heavier and more difficult to move. Effects that would move you are at a disadvantage
  • Arcanist. You were designed to assist mages or to be one yourself. You know the cantrip Blade Ward, and are able to cast Detect Magic twice per long rest, this casting does not use up your typical spell slots. In addition, you are proficiency in Intelligence (Arcana) checks.

Languages. You can speak read and write Common, Nomad, and one additional language of your choice. Nomad is characterized by high frequency clicking and chirping, mixed with whirrs and buzzes. It shares its script with common, but is comprised solely of the numbers 0 through 9 and the first 6 letters of the common script. Non-steelborn are not capable of speaking Nomad, but may learn to read it with some difficulty.

alaraes/chapter_1/steelborn.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/09 04:24 by